
Small groups is how we develop our relationships with one another and with Jesus.

Our mission is to help everyone discover, develop and do life with Jesus. Small groups allow us to create relationships to help us better understand who Jesus is, how to have a relationship with Him and help one another along the way.

Find & Join A Small Group

Looking for a small group to join? We want to get you connected. Complete this form so we can find the group for you. The leader of that group will follow up with you when they have their next small group meeting. 

Start A Small Group

We are always looking for new group hosts. If you are interested in starting a small group at CrossPointe, you will need to complete the Small Group Host/Leader application and be approved.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to be a member to join a small group?
No requirement is necessary! Everyone is welcome to join a small group.

It depends on the group! Some meet in local restaurants while others meet in their host home. 

That depends on the group. Some groups ask members to bring a small food item to share with the group. If childcare is provided, some parents may provide a small donation for the childcare provider as a sign of appreciation.
Some groups are child friendly, while others are not. You will be able to discuss childcare details with your group leader.
If we do not have a group currently available for you, then we are so sorry for the delay. We are always seeking to add more groups and hope to have one available for you soon. 
We love your excitement to join groups, but due to limited space, we do ask group attendees to choose one home group to commit to. However, you are welcome to join open activity groups as well as a home group if you wish (ex. golf).
You do not have to stay in your group. Our small groups operate in semesters where we enter seasons for groups to take a break from meeting or to be more activity based for a short term. You are also welcome to opt out of attending a group at any time. Simply let your Small Group Leader know so they can open a seat in their group and help us get you into another open group.
We do ask that small group leaders be those who follow our “give, serve, and love” model of membership. This means you believe in the mission and vision of CrossPointe Church and want to help make it happen. 
We loosely follow the school’s semester model. We do more activities or breaks during the summer and Christmas season.

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